Research Reading Guide: Unit 2 Reading Guide: Unit 2 Name(Required) First Last Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Time(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Email(Required) Download the article that you plan to summarize, and upload it here.(Required)Max. file size: 100 MB.What is the name of the SCHOLARLY SOURCE you are summarizing in this exercise? Please note that you cannot summarize a Bad Ideas About Writing chapter for this exercise, or a source that is not scholarly (i.e. a random blog post that you find online, something from Psychology Today, something that is written on a university website but is not a scholarly source). Your source should come from the Queens College library databases.(Required)If you need to be reminded about what qualifies as a scholarly source, you could rewatch this video from our class on October 25th. Please copy and paste the video into a new browser tab to avoid losing your work: database did you use from the Queens College library website to find this source?(Required)What makes you sure that this is a scholarly source and not a non-scholarly source? You might refer back to the "scholarly vs. non-scholarly" handout that you read for class (accessible on the course schedule on October 19th).(Required)Give a full MLA or APA-formatted citation of the source below. For example: Alim, H. Samy. “Critical Language Awareness in the United States: Revisiting Issues and Revising Pedagogies in a Resegregated Society.” Educational Researcher, vol. 34, no. 7, 2005, pp. 24–31.(Required)Does this source have an abstract? An abstract is a short summary of the source's argument, including the research question, the methods, the findings, and the results / implications. It is usually a short paragraph found in the database entry, and sometimes it is found at the beginning of the source itself.(Required) Yes. No. I’m not sure. Copy and paste the abstract into this box.(Required)In your own words, paraphrase the abstract. Do not use more than 3-4 of the same words that are found in the abstract above, and do not simply swap out different words while leaving the sentence structure in tact. Try to explain the study's question, methods, and findings in your own words without looking at it. If you use any of the same words, please put quotes around them.(Required)From looking at the title, the subheadings, and pictures / graphs / charts in the text, or reading the abstract, make some predictions about the content of this source. What will the major research question be? What will the source find?(Required)Read the first couple of paragraphs of this source, and then read the last couple of paragraphs (or the last section if there are subheadings). Do you think your predictions were correct so far? Why or why not?(Required)Copy and paste a sentence or two that contains what you think is the research question in this source.(Required)Put the research question from above into your own words in the box below. If you use any key terms from the question, please put them in quotes.(Required)As far as you understand, what did the researchers find out about what they were researching? If there is a "discussion" section, or a "conclusions" section at the end of the study, read that first, and put it into your own words.(Required)As far as you understand, HOW did the researchers conduct the research that they did in this study? (i.e. questionnaires, interviews, analyzing texts, a mixture of things, something else). Or is this a reflection / a personal story that the author is telling? Or something else?(Required)How might this source relate to the question that you're trying to answer for Assignment 2? Does it relate?(Required)Write a first draft of an annotation that you could use on your Annotated Bibliography. Each annotation should include (1) the study's central question (2) the method that they used to conduct their research (3) what they found out and (4) how this relates to your project. Write about 200 words. Please do not cite more than 4-5 key words from the original source: work on putting the author's words into your own words instead.(Required)If you need an example of what an annotation looks like, you can copy and paste this address into a new browser tab: the References or Works Cited list at the end of the article. Are there are sources that this author used that might relate to your project based on their title? Copy and paste them here.(Required)If you have already found and read sources that relate to this source, what connections do you see between them so far? Think about connections that you've noticed in the topic, the methods, and especially the findings.(Required)Below, estimate the time it took you to complete this assignment.(Required)Which of the following is true?(Required) I have completed all of the boxes above to the best of my ability, and I think this assignment will be “complete” There were boxes I didn’t understand how to complete, and I think I might have to reattempt parts of this assignment. Do you have any other questions about this assignment?(Required) Δ This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.