Exit Tickets 110 Exit Ticket Step 1 of 5 20% Name(Required) First Last Today's date (please note that the e-mail that this form will send me will notify me of when you submitted it)(Required)MonthMonth123456789101112DayDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YearYear20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Were you absent from this class or late to this class?(Required) Absent Late What day were you absent from class? Please note that if you were absent multiple days, you need to fill out multiple exit tickets.(Required)What day were you late to this class? Please note that if you were late multiple days, you need to fill out multiple exit tickets.(Required)I am filling out this exit ticket…(Required) Within the week that I missed / was late to class Before the end-of-unit deadline for the class that I missed / was late to Later than the end-of-unit deadline Have you gotten permission from me to fill this out later than the end-of-unit deadline? If so, when did we have this discussion? If not, why not?(Required) Go to the #whatyoumissed channel and find the slides for the day that you were absent. Review each slide, paying attention to the annotations that your peers have left on them and the questions that they ask at the end. When you have finished revieweing them, please answer the questions below. OK. I’ve found them and I’ve reviewed them. The slides are not available / I can’t find them. Go to the #whatyoumissed channel and find the slides for the day that you were late. Review each slide that you missed, paying attention to the annotations that your peers have left on them and the questions that they ask at the end. When you have finished revieweing them, please answer the questions below. OK. I’ve found them and I’ve reviewed them. The slides are not available / I can’t find them. Please let me know on Slack or over e-mail that you can't find the slides. Do not continue filling out this exit ticket until I have responded to your request. What were the major goals of today's class session? Please put these into your own words rather than just copying them from the slides.(Required)Find an annotation that one of your classmates made on the slides. In a few words, describe how this annotation (1) helped you to understand something about what we did in class OR (2) made you more confused about something that we did in class.(Required)Describe how this class relates to the major, end-of-unit assignment. What did we do in class today that can help you to make progress on this assignment?(Required)If the slides contained an in-class writing activity or an activity where you had to check in with a partner about something and then we discussed it as a class, please do the activity in the box below.(Required) How many times have you been more than 15 minutes late to this class?(Required) Just once or twice More than that Is there a consistent reason that you're late?(Required)Please go to the course schedule and copy / paste the assignments that you were supposed to do to prepare for today's class.(Required)Please select the kinds of assignment(s) that were on the syllabus for the day that you missed. Select all that apply.(Required) An assignment prompt for a major assignment (i.e. reading and prompt itself and watching the unit video) A reading (i.e. a chapter from Bad Ideas About Writing) A video (i.e. the Write On! series) A sample student essay or assignment or the MLA sample paper Weekly work or a workbook assignment (i.e. the library workbook) A major assignment draft or peer review In your own words, please describe the learning goals for this assignment, the procedure for doing it, previous examples of how other students have approached this assignment in the past, how the unit's weekly work will help you to prepare to do it, and at least one or two other details that you learned from reading the assignment prompt and watching the video. You should write at least 200 words.(Required)In your own words, please write a short summary of the major points in this reading. What is the author's major argument? What evidence does the author give to support this argument? Also, what do you think about this argument? What does this remind you of from your own life? Do you agree with the author? Why or why not? Please write at least 200 words.(Required)In your own words, please write a short summary of the major points of this video. What are some of the tips that the video gives that could be helpful in a future assignment? What is something that you learned or remembered from watching this video? What are one of two things that you already knew that this video covered? What is the purpose of watching this video (in other words, how does this relate to a future assignment?) Please write at least 200 words.(Required)If this is a student sample essay for one of the major assignments (i.e. the E-mail To the Author Assignment, the Annotated Bibliography, or the Literature review), go back to the original assignment prompt as you read it. Give three examples of how this assignment has met a requiement from this prompt. Then, say two or three things that you've learned from reading this assignment or ask two or three questions that you have about it: this could be moves that you want to make in your own draft, things that you want to avoid, things that confuse you, things that you're unsure of how to do, etc. Please write at least 200 words.(Required)Copy and paste the requirements from the weekly work assignment into the box below. After you do this, put these requirements into your own words and say how you have already met them (if you've completed or submitted this weekly work assignment) or how you plan to meet them (if you haven't).(Required)Copy and paste the requirements from the draft that is (or was) due on the day you were absent into the box below. After you do this, put these requirements into your own words and say how you have already met them (if you've completed or submitted this assignment) or how you plan to meet them (if you haven't).(Required) Other than filling out this exit ticket, what work do you need to do to make sure that you're caught up in this class?(Required)Would it be helpful to meet me in office hours?(Required) Yes, I’d like to meet you in office hours. No, I’m OK for now. What are office hours? Office hours for this class are on Tuesdays directly after class from 12-1pm. You can just let me know after Conference Hours that you'd like to meet, and we can walk over to my office together.(Required) OK, sounds good. I have another question about this. Office hours are a time to meet with your professors to talk about your progress in a class, to ask questions, or to get some extra support. The office hours for this class are directly after class from 12-1pm on Tuesdays. You can just let me know after Conference Hours that you'd like to meet, and we can walk over to my office together.(Required) OK, sounds good. I have another question about this. OK, sure: what's your question?(Required)OK, sure: what's your question?(Required)Is there anything that I can help to explain or help you to do to get fully caught up? Δ This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.